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Browse our curated coverage of international news related to transitional justice.

Jose Raul Mulino, a stand-in for a former president banned from running, has won the country’s presidential elections. Authorities unofficially called the race late on May 5 after three of Mulino’s closest competitors conceded defeat. The former security minister, who was a late entrant to the race...
Chad held its long delayed presidential election on May 5 following three years of military rule under the interim president, Mahamat Deby Itno, a vote that analysts widely expected the incumbent to win. Deby Itno seized power after his father, who spent three decades in power, was killed fighting...
At least 12 people, including children, have been killed in twin bomb blasts that hit two camps for displaced people in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), according to government officials, the United Nations (UN), and an aid group. The explosions on May 3 targeted the camps in Lac Vert...
At least 200 people were arrested at UCLA on May 2, bringing the nationwide total of arrests to more than 2,000 at dozens of college campuses since police cleared an encampment at Columbia University in mid-April, according to a tally by The Associated Press. Demonstrations—and arrests—have occurred...
Tunisia’s main opposition coalition said on April 30 that it won’t take part in the North African country’s upcoming presidential election unless President Kais Saied’s political opponents are freed and judicial independence is restored. More than 20 political opponents have been charged or...
Georgia’s Parliament moved a step closer on May 1 to passing a law that critics fear will stifle media freedom and endanger the country’s European Union membership bid, as police used water cannons, tear gas, and pepper spray against the tens of thousands of protesters who thronged surrounding...
India on May 1 deported the first group of Myanmar refugees who had sought shelter after a 2021 military coup, a top state minister said, following weeks of efforts that were hampered by fighting between Myanmar's rebel forces and the ruling junta. Thousands of civilians and hundreds of troops from...
Haiti’s newly installed transitional council chose a little known former sports minister as the Caribbean country’s prime minister on April 30 as part of its monumental task of trying to establish a stable new government amid stifling violence. Fritz Bélizaire was chosen in a surprise move to...
An internationally backed court in the Central African Republic issued an international arrest warrant on April 30 for the country’s exiled former President François Bozizé for human rights abuses from 2009 to 2013, a spokesperson said. The Special Criminal Court was set up in the capital, Bangui...
The Black Sea Caucasus nation has been gripped by mass anti-government protests since mid-April, when the ruling Georgian Dream party reintroduced plans to pass a law that critics say resembles Russian legislation used to silence dissent. The latest demonstration against the measure saw some 20,000...