Media Coverage

Browse our curated coverage of international news related to transitional justice.

Demonstrators marched through the city of Iquique waving Chilean flags and demanding the expulsion of what they called foreign criminals. Some tore down tents that had housed migrants, while at least one person was beaten by the crowd. There has been an increase in people arriving in Chile after...
Streets were deserted and shops abandoned across many of Myanmar’s towns and cities on Monday, as the public defied threats by the military junta and stayed at home in a “silent strike” on the first anniversary of the country’s coup. Images posted on social media showed usually congested roads with...
Sudanese security forces on Sunday killed one protester and wounded dozens in the last pro-democracy demonstrations in January, three months after the coup. The anti-coup protests are spearheaded by the Resistance Committees which call for the return of the armed forces to their barracks and to...
At least 32 people, including children, have been killed during armed raids in South Sudan’s eastern Jonglei state, according to the United Nations. The attacks on the villages of Dungrut and Machined on Sunday sent civilians from the Dinka Bor community fleeing as armed youths from the Murle ethnic...
The Taliban and Western diplomats have begun their first official talks in Europe since they took over control of Afghanistan in August. Taliban representatives will be certain to press their demand that nearly $10 billion frozen by the United States and other Western countries be released as...
Taliban rule has had a devastating impact on Afghan women and girls, new research shows, Human Rights Watch and the Human Rights Institute at San Jose State University said on Monday. The organizations looked at the conditions for women since the Taliban took control in Ghazni province, in...
Denmark faced the ire of European Union parliamentarians on Wednesday for its policy of sending some Syrian refugees back to the Damascus area and revoking their asylum status. In mid-2020, Denmark became the first European Union country to re-examine the cases of about 500 Syrians from Damascus...
Protest organizers in Sudan's capital Khartoum announced two days of strikes and civil disobedience after security forces used gunfire and teargas on Monday to disperse demonstrations. The violence was against a coup and medics said seven people had been killed. The toll marked one of the bloodiest...
Cross-border humanitarian aid to northwest Syria has been extended for six months without a new vote at the UN Security Council. The 15-member body had previously issued an authorization for six months, allowing aid into rebel-held areas through the use of the Bab al-Hawa crossing at the Turkey...
Inadequate and unequal access to health care in Nepal was exacerbated by government failures to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic, Human Rights Watch said in its World Report 2022 released today. The government’s failures led to many preventable deaths, while a pervasive culture of impunity continues...